Blacksmith BioScience was founded in 2016

Blacksmith BioScience is a company that develops and sells natural plant products and organic pesticides based on microbial technologies.

The company’s mission is to reduce or eliminate synthetic chemicals in agriculture by replacing them with microbial alternatives that can enhance soil fertility, plant nutrition and crop yield. The company offers a range of products, such as Armory SP, MegaPhos SP, Nitryx SP, NoFly WP and Tenet WP, that target different aspects of plant health and pest control. Headquartered in Spring, Texas . The company’s products are OMRI® listed and can be used on various crops, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices .

Blacksmith BioScience develops and sells various biofertilizers and biopesticides that are derived from natural microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi.

These products help to maximize plant vigor, yield and nutrition by enhancing soil health, solubilizing phosphorus, fixing nitrogen, and controlling pests and diseases .

Products offered by Blacksmith BioScience include:


Who is the company Blacksmith BioScience?

Blacksmith BioScience is a microbial development company that aims to reduce or eliminate synthetic chemicals in agriculture by replacing them with microbial alternatives . The company was founded in 2016 and is based in Spring, Texas.

We harness advanced technologies in order to increase our understanding of the biology

We use that knowledge to develop agricultural products that maximize existing soil nutrients, reduce fertilizer usage, increase yield and improve plant nutrition. Our long-term goal is to significantly reduce harmful fertilizer and chemical runoff in ecological systems around the world through use of our unique biofertilizers.

A commitment to organic biofertilizers and biopesticides

All of these products are OMRI® listed, which means they are approved for use in organic production systems. They are also compatible with most conventional pesticides and fertilizers, and can be applied through various methods such as foliar spray, soil drench, hydroponics, drip irrigation, or seed treatment.

The timeline of Blacksmith BioScience

Blacksmith BioScience has been on a remarkable journey of innovation and growth since its inception. The company has established itself as a leader in the field of microbial agriculture, offering natural plant products and organic pesticides that are safe, effective and sustainable. The company’s vision is to continue to develop new solutions that can address the challenges and opportunities of modern agriculture, while preserving the health of our planet and its inhabitants.

Company Founded

The company is founded and begins to develop its proprietary technology platform for isolating and screening beneficial microbes from diverse sources.

First Patent

The company receives its first patent for a novel biofungicide that can control fungal diseases in plants without harming beneficial organisms.

Armory WP


The company launches its first product, Armory SP, a powerful blend of beneficial bacteria that can maximize plant vigor, enhance root growth and increase nutrient uptake.

MegaPhos WP


The company expands its product portfolio with MegaPhos SP, a high concentration of a unique microorganism that can solubilize phosphorus and make it available for plants.

Nitryx WP


The company launches its third product with Nitryx SP, a high concentration of beneficial bacteria that can reduce nitrogen use by up to 15% or more by converting atmospheric nitrogen to a form usable by plants.

NoFly WP

The company receives its second patent for a novel bioinsecticide that can kill insect pests by infecting them with a fungal pathogen. The company also launches its third product, NoFly WP, a biological insecticide for use in indoor and outdoor agriculture that is OMRI® listed.

Tenet WP


The company receives its third patent for a novel bionematicide that can control nematodes in soil by producing nematicidal compounds. The company also launches its fourth product, Tenet WP, a biological fungicide for use in all crops that is OMRI® listed.

The remarkable journey of innovation.

As you can see, Blacksmith BioScience has been on a remarkable journey of innovation and growth since its inception. The company has established itself as a leader in the field of microbial agriculture, offering natural plant products and organic pesticides that are safe, effective and sustainable. 

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